Latest Updates: WTF in April 2022

Happy May from the WTF Publicity Crew!

We’re back with even more big news and updates from April. As always, we are so thankful for the support you’ve shown us and for sticking around as our company continues to grow!

Our PR family is expanding exponentially and we’ve added some jaw-dropping new artists to our roster. Please give a warm welcome to Hoodie Allen, Little Monarch, Emarosa, Zoe Zobrist, War on Women, Ninet Tayeb, Yank$, Kevin Whitaker, Clayton Severson, Enrose, King Ropes, Fox Lake, and Forever Came Calling! All of them have incredible upcoming releases that we are teaming up together to share with the world soon. We also launched new partnerships with 19th&7th and Chirp Entertainment

In April we attended LAUNCH Music Conference in Lancaster, PA after months of preparation and PR support for the event. With clients and colleagues all over the country, it was a rare and special moment to come together, share our knowledge, and grow our network. Our fearless leader Steph Maksimow was spotlighted on multiple panels and several of our clients performed throughout the event.

In addition to the new artists we are working with, our current clients are kicking butt with some incredible features in April! Here are some of the highlights.

As always, thank you to the publicists making it happen behind the scenes: Stephanie Maksimow, Gabriella Bruckner, Tori Kravitz, Arlene Vivar, Jamie Perez, Jamie Houston, and Maria Serra.

If you are considering publicity services for you or someone you know, feel free to stop by our website or send us an email for more information on how we can take your upcoming releases and events to the next level.

Keep in touch with us on social media and don’t be a stranger!

See you in the next newsletter,



Setting Expectations for a PR Campaign with Whoa That’s Fresh PR


5 Steps to Prepare for a PR Campaign with WTF Publicity